The website is a general information site about Tonelería Magreñán , its activities and its brands. The website is intended for the public, and professionals wishing to know more about the activities of the company, and journalists.
Tonelería Magreñán is a sole proprietorship with limited liability with a capital of 49 883€, whose head office is situated at Avda. del Ebro s/n – 26540 Alfaro (La Rioja) – España, registered at the Register of Commerce and Companies of Rioja under the numberTomo 269 general, Folio 125, hoja nº LO-1200, Inscripción 1ª – Nº Reg. Sanitario: 39.03228/LO and identified by the individual European VAT number ES B26178285 (hereafter referred to as “the Company”), and editor of the website (here after the “Website”).
Mr Sylvain Charlois is the Publishing Director of this Website. The website content is exclusively written by Charlois Group employees. Site content is validated before being published online.
The website is hosted by:
OVH est une SAS au capital de 10 059 500 €
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 6202A – N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419
Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix – France
Website design and development:
Les Gauchers studio
If you encounter any problems whilst browsing the website, or for any other questions about the site itself, you can contact us at the following address:
Groupe Charlois
Le Bourg – 58700 Murlin
+33 (0)3 86 38 17 55
or use our contact form.
Site access and content use are subject to the following General Conditions of Use. Use of this website constitutes full and unconditional acceptance of the General Conditions of Use enumerated here below.
You do not have to provide any personal data when you wish to consult and visit the Website.
To facilitate your navigation when visiting our website, we may leave a cookie in your computer. A cookie does not enable us to identify you.
. It does, however, record data concerning your browsing of our website (pages that you have consulted, date and time of your visit etc.) that can be read during your next visit to the website.
You may at any time refuse to accept cookies by configuring your browser (Menu “Tools” then “Internet options”).
The Company is the owner of the domain name and holds exclusive Intellectual Property rights or holds user rights for all elements accessible on the site, notably texts, structures, software, animations, images, photographs, graphics, diagrams, logos, sounds, music, and all downloadable material.
Consequently, pursuant to the application of the provisions of the Code of Intellectual Property and the legislative and regulatory provisions of all countries and international conventions, no element of the website, whether total or in part, may be downloaded, reproduced, represented, modified, or adapted, for purposes other than for your own personal and private use in pursuit of a non-commercial aim.
Brands and domain names, drawings and models which appear on the Website are the exclusive property of our Company, except when specifically mentioned otherwise. Any reproduction or use of these brands, domain names, drawings and models, in any way and for any reason is prohibited as is their modification.
Breach of these conditions is punishable under the Intellectual Property Code and the Penal Code; particularly in respect of copyright infringement and infringement of trademark law, and the Civil Code, with respect to civil liability.
All brand names and domain names, designs and models which appear on the website are the exclusive property of our Company, unless otherwise stated.
Any reproduction, in whole or in part, or use or alteration of these brand names or domain names, designs and models, in any manner and in any respect whatsoever, is prohibited.
The Company is at liberty to modify the content of the website at any time and without prior notice.
The Company aims to ensure that the information accessible on the website is as precise and up to date as possible
Nevertheless, the Company cannot be held responsible for any omission, inaccuracies or deficiencies in updates. Our Company offers no guarantee, express or tacit, regarding all or part of this website.
The Company cannot be held responsible for any material damage or losses, direct or indirect, and whatever the cause, origin, nature or consequences resulting from consultation and use of the website. Notably, the Company rejects all liability in the event of interruption to or non-availability of the website, for any incidence of bugs, or any damage resulting from fraudulent acts of third parties (such as intrusion).
Our Company takes all appropriate measures to ensure the security of information and privacy of personal data collected on the website. The Company has no control over risks connected with the functioning of the Internet and draws your attention to the potential risks relating to confidentiality of information transmitted over the Internet.
The pages of this website may contain links to other websites that are operated by third parties. Our links to other third-party websites are simply destined to facilitate your navigation. Our Company has no control over the current or future content of third-party web pages that are accessible from our website. Our Company merely refers to these third-party sites, but is in no way responsible for their content.
Consequently, our Company declines all responsibility (notably editorial) in connection with access to these third-party internet sites and their content. In particular, our Company accepts no responsibility for any violation of copyright, brand registration or other intellectual property rights that may result from the consultation of a page via a hypertext link.
All liability incurred as a result of any illegal, improper or incomplete information published on a third-party site, and in particular for any damage arising as a result of the use or the non-use of this information, is the unique responsibility of the editor of the site in question, and not our Company.
The creation of hypertext links to the website, other than those to its Homepage, may only proceed subject to the express and prior written authorisation of our Company, which may be revoked at any time and without indemnity. On no account should the pages of the website be incorporated within the pages of another site. In all cases, a message must inform the visitor of the change of site.
The present General Conditions of Use are subject to modification at any time, without prior notice. These modifications are published by putting them online and are deemed to be accepted without reservation by any subsequent visitor to the website. Users of the site are therefore invited to consult these conditions regularly.
These general conditions of use are governed and interpreted in accordance with French law, notably by the provision of Act No 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 for confidence in the digital economy and Act No n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 pertaining to information technology, data and civil liberties.
French jurisdiction shall apply in relation to any dispute concerning the website.